Manufacturing Productivity Improvement and Diagnostics

We make chemicals manufacturers smarter.

What We Offer

Our lean productivity programme is data led. We support improved performance at chemicals manufacturers and support their ability to  problem solve, operate efficiently and continuously improve their performance and profitability. We help our members to leverage their potential and improve their productivity through world class manufacturing systems. 

BMA | MPI and Diagnostic

Lean Performance and Customer Benchmark

Detailed insights into your business’ performance relative to other chemicals manufacturers, and manufacturing locally and globally is included in the membership fee for all members.

Want to know what your customers think of you? 

Our assessment provides anonymous, honest and detailed feedback on your performance in the eyes of your customer.

Carbon Benchmarking

Also included in the membership to the cluster is an analysis of your carbon footprint. Our programme provides members with a comparator analysis of their performance in terms of carbon emissions against firms in similar industries in order to support their green manufacturing journey with accurate data and information.